EMDR Therapy Thailand

Orchid is a world-class treatment facility located in Chiang Mai, Thailand. In our facility, we help people overcome various substance use disorders, process addictions, and mental health conditions.
How Trauma Affects Day-to-Day Life
The effects of a traumatic experience can be felt long after that fact. It’s not uncommon for a person’s past trauma to continuously cause them difficulties in their day-to-day life. One way in which distressing memories can affect a person is that they may turn to substance use or behavioural addictions as a means of coping with their negative thoughts. Some people can also develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of their traumatic event.
Traumatic memories can also make it hard for people to relax. Many can feel constantly on edge. They may also have difficulties regulating their emotions and can be prone to sudden bursts of anger, anxiety, or sadness. When it comes to relationships, some people who have been traumatised can be wary of others. Many people who have trauma may have difficulties with taking care of themselves. They may find it difficult to maintain a job, and they may develop disorders such as depression or anxiety as a result of their experiences. They may also have difficulty focusing, which can further exacerbate their employment troubles.
EMDR in Thailand
Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing, or EMDR, is a form of therapy that is used to help people overcome their trauma by helping them process their distressing memories. Developed by Francine Shapiro, EMDR therapy can be used to blunt the distress caused by traumatic memories. EMDR works by using bilateral stimulation to help people process their trauma. This bilateral stimulation works by replicating REM sleep, which is when the brain processes memories.
This form of psychotherapy works by having the patient in a safe space. While in this safe space, an EMDR therapist will have the client recall their distressing memory. By applying bilateral stimulation, such as alternating taps or following the therapist’s fingers, REM sleep is replicated, and the traumatic memory is processed. Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy are notable for being incredibly effective at alleviating trauma, with some people reporting relief after only a few therapy sessions.
Why Come to Thailand For Treatment and Trauma Therapy
Coming to Thailand to treat trauma can have numerous benefits. Some of the benefits of coming to Thailand for trauma therapy include:
Cost-Effective Treatment
Coming to us for rehab and treatment over seeking similar therapeutic services in Australia can be more cost-effective, even after factoring in the cost of airfare. This can make world-class treatment more accessible.
We Accept Everyone
Thailand is one of the few countries in Asia and the first country in Southeast Asia to recognise same-sex unions. In keeping with this tolerance, we accept everyone who comes to us for treatment.
Various Activities
In addition to our treatment, our healing process also includes a variety of activities. These activities can include yoga, hiking, sightseeing, and Thai boxing. These activities can encourage mindfulness and make the treatment process more enjoyable.
Understanding Staff
A major benefit of coming to us for treatment is that some members of our staff are in recovery themselves. This gives them a detailed understanding of the struggles that our patients go through.
Welcoming Environment
At Orchid, we strive to create a welcoming, empathetic environment. Your recovery is our highest priority, and we want to make sure that you feel safe while you are in our care.
Some people would rather keep mental health troubles or struggles with substance use or behavioural addictions private. As such, they will want privacy when they seek treatment. The distance between Australia and Thailand can help protect a person’s privacy.
What do we treat
At Orchid Thailand, we treat a variety of conditions. Some of the conditions we treat include:

Substance Use Disorders
A substance use disorder is a behavioural health condition in which a person has little to no control over their compulsions. Many people with SUDs will use substances regardless of any negative effects that they suffer. Substances that are treated include alcohol, synthetic drugs, marijuana, cocaine, meth, and heroin.

Process Addictions
Process addictions are similar to substance use disorders. However, the main difference is that a person is addicted to a certain behaviour as opposed to a substance. Some of the process addictions that we treat include sex, gambling, porn, and shopping.

Mental Health Disorders
Mental health disorders are disorders in which a person struggles with numerous symptoms. Some of the mental health conditions that we treat include PTSD, trauma, anxiety, depression, burnout, and clinically stable mood disorders. We also offer treatment for co-occurring disorders.
Other Modalities We Use in Rehab
In addition to EMDR, we also use a variety of modalities in our rehab centre. Some of the other modalities that we use include:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT, is a form of treatment that is concerned with the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. With CBT, a therapist helps a patient identify the negative thoughts or cognitive distortions that can contribute to unhealthy feelings and actions. By addressing these cognitive distortions, a person can change their unhealthy behaviours.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
Dialectical behaviour therapy, or DBT, is a form of counselling that is concerned with helping patients develop skills in four key modules: mindfulness, distress, tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. DBT helps people identify and change unhealthy behaviour.

Motivational interviewing (MI)
Motivational Interviewing, or MI, is a form of therapy that is focused on helping a patient find their own innate motivation to change their behaviour. MI can be especially important for situations in which a patient expresses resistance or ambivalence to treatment.
We Want You to Recover
At Orchid, we understand that things that happened in your past can have long-lasting effects. We know that trauma can drive people to unhealthy behaviour such as substance use or process addiction. But we also know that people can recover from their trauma and reclaim their lives.