Trauma Therapy Thailand

Home Therapies Trauma Therapy Thailand

Many people go through difficult periods in their life. But there are occasions wherein a person can go through something that mentally scars them and leaves them with emotional and psychological difficulties. These difficulties can be treated, and one way to do that is to seek trauma therapy in Thailand from Orchid, a world-class treatment centre in Chiang Mai

How Trauma Affects a Person

Trauma can affect a person in a variety of ways. It’s not uncommon for a traumatic event to have long-lasting consequences. It doesn’t matter what type of trauma someone carries with them. Experiencing a traumatic accident or being the victim of a crime or a natural disaster are examples of this. Regardless of the event that caused the trauma, it can affect a person long after the fact, and the effects can be significant. Many people who go through traumatic events may develop post-traumatic stress disorder or complex post-traumatic stress disorder. 

Many people who have trauma have a hard time moving past what happened to them. It can cause them to become emotionally unstable, make it hard for them to hold down a job, and it can make them turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms. It’s not uncommon for a person to turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with their trauma. Some can also turn to behaviours such as excess porn consumption, gambling, or sexual activity. It can even be hard for them to move on from what happened to them because they may have vivid dreams of what happened or flashbacks that will put them back into the moment that traumatised them.

Trauma Therapy in Thailand

There are two main modalities that we use as a part of a trauma recovery treatment programme in Thailand. The first modality is EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing. EMDR therapy sessions typically involve creating a safe space for the client. The therapist uses bilateral stimulation while the patient focuses on the distressing memory. The use of bilateral stimulation is meant to replicate REM sleep and process the distressing memory, thereby blunting the emotional impact it carries. 

The other modality that we use in our trauma and PTSD treatment plan is Dialectical Behavioural Therapy or DBT. This form of treatment is focused on the concepts of acceptance and change. Patients are taught to accept themselves for who they are while also working towards changing for the better. It focuses on teaching people skills in four main modules: mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. These skills can help people better manage their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Because many people who have trauma turn to substance use and other unhealthy behaviours, we also offer Dual Diagnosis treatment to help patients who have concerns other than their trauma.

Why Come to Our Treatment Centre for Trauma Treatment?

While there are mental health treatment centres in Australia, there are numerous reasons to seek trauma therapy and PTSD treatment in Thailand. Some of these reasons include:

Distance from Circumstances

Coming to our facility in Thailand can help distance a person from the circumstances that may have traumatised them. The peaceful environment of our facilities and surrounding area can be very healing. This can help them focus on their treatment.

On a similar note as above, coming to Thailand to treat mental health can also distance a person from the people who may have contributed to their trauma, either directly or indirectly. This can help make a person feel safe enough to become open to recovery and work through their trauma.

For many people, receiving trauma treatment can be a private matter, so discretion will be important to them. The sheer distance between Australia and Thailand can help secure a person’s privacy by adding a protective layer over it.

Residential treatment in Australia can be quite expensive. However, our rehab centre in Thailand offers treatment at a more affordable rate. This makes our luxury centre the more accessible and cost-effective treatment option, even after factoring in the cost of airfare.

We also offer a variety of holistic activities, such as daily trauma release exercises, sound baths, yoga, mindfulness, and meditation. These all help to foster comprehensive trauma healing.

Thailand is one of the most Queer-tolerant countries in the world and was the first country in Southeast Asia to recognise same-sex unions. In keeping with this, our centre welcomes men, women, couples, and members of the LGBT+ community.

Forms of Therapy in Our Treatment Centre

Our approach to treatment will cover a variety of therapies. The therapies we use to help people suffering from trauma include:

Related Conditions We Treat

In addition to trauma, we can also treat other conditions. These conditions can sometimes be a response to trauma. The conditions we treat include:


Substance Use Disorders

It's not uncommon for people with mental health troubles, such as PTSD, to turn to drugs and alcohol as a means of coping with the symptoms of trauma. Our addiction treatment involves detox and residential treatment.


Process Addictions

Similarly, people who have trauma may also turn to behaviours such as gambling, shopping, or excessive porn consumption as a means of coping. We can address these behaviours as well.


Mental Health Disorders

It's not uncommon for people who have been traumatised to develop other mental health troubles, such as depression or anxiety. As such, our centre offers treatment for these disorders in addition to helping a person manage the root cause

Take Your Future Back From Your Past

Trauma can root a person in their past and make it hard for them to move on into their future. But treating it can allow a person to take their future back from what happened to them. At Orchid, we offer addiction and trauma treatment.

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