MDMA, also known as ecstasy or molly, is a party drug that can make someone feel a surge of euphoria. It’s a feel-good drug that’s often present at parties and other social events. Many people take MDMA to feel energetic and happy. They may also feel more connected to others.

While MDMA offers these “positive” effects, the drug can be dangerous when taken. The body can be overwhelmed in high doses, and medical intervention is necessary to prevent other complications. 

Is It Possible to Overdose on Ecstasy or MDMA?

Yes, it is possible to overdose on ecstasy or MDMA. MDMA overdose happens when a person takes an amount of the drug that’s too much for the body to process safely. People who overdose may experience different negative side effects that can be fatal without the proper help.

Signs and Symptoms of Ecstasy Overdose

Some of the ecstasy overdose symptoms include:

  • Severe hyperthermia: The drug can increase body temperature, and people may experience sweating and flushed skin. 
  • Rapid heartbeat and blood pressure elevation: MDMA can elevate adrenaline levels, which results in increased heart rate and elevated blood pressure.
  • Seizures: Excessive neural activity in the brain can overstimulate neurons and disrupt normal brain function, triggering seizures.
  • Difficulty breathing: This may happen due to the drug’s effects on the central nervous and respiratory systems. 
  • Unconsciousness: Sometimes, too much MDMA can overwhelm neural or brain function, which can lead to unconsciousness. In more severe cases, the brainstem, which is responsible for respiration, can be damaged, resulting in slow, ineffective breathing, unconsciousness, and possibly death.  
  • Extreme confusion: People who are overdosing on MDMA may feel extremely disoriented. 
  • Paranoia: MDMA can also cause hallucinogenic effects, and paranoia may be a result of these hallucinations. 
  • Organ failure:This happens in severe cases due to hyperthermia (elevated temperature) or dehydration. 

What to Do When Someone Is Overdosing on Ecstasy

When someone shows signs of overdose, it’s important to call for medical help right away. Remember that overdosing on substances is seriously dangerous, and a person who doesn’t receive the proper help right away can be in danger of losing their life. 

Call emergency services immediately and provide clear information about the person’s condition. While waiting for emergency services, make sure that the person isn’t overhearing and is hydrated. Move them to a cooler area and offer small sips of water. 

Do not give the person who is experiencing an overdose any additional medications in hopes to “counteract” the drug’s effects. Always stay calm and avoid overstimulating the person. 

Is an Ecstasy Overdose Fatal?

Yes, an ecstasy overdose can be fatal. Although death from overdosing on ecstasy is rare, it shouldn’t be downplayed. Overdosing on ecstasy can lead to severe complications that can be difficult to treat. 

Recognising the signs of an MDMA overdose is essential to prevent these severe complications. When a person overdosing gets proper treatment right away, it can decrease the likelihood of fatal outcomes. 

Ecstasy Overdose Risk Factors

Various factors can increase the risk of ecstasy overdose:

  • High doses: People who take large doses of ecstasy are at a higher risk of overdosing on the drug since consuming large amounts of MDMA can overwhelm the body. This can typically happen when people don’t know the potency of the drug they’re taking. It also happens if a person isn’t used to consuming MDMA and suddenly takes a dose they think is low but is too powerful for their body. 
  • Frequent use: Those who frequently use MDMA are at a high risk of overdosing on the drug because they have built a tolerance to it. Once a person builds an ecstasy tolerance, they may start taking higher doses to achieve their desired effects, increasing an overdose risk. 
  • Individual health factors: When a person is already suffering from certain pre-existing conditions, such as high blood pressure, they are at a higher risk of overdose. People with slower metabolisms may also be at risk of overdose since their bodies cannot quickly process MDMA. 
  • Environmental conditions: MDMA is a drug that can increase body temperature. Taking the drug in a hot place without proper hydration or temperature regulation can increase the risk of heat-related illnesses. 
  • Lack of knowledge about the drug: Some people may take ecstasy thinking it’s safe, especially if they’re taking the substance in its “pure” form. However, taking any amount of MDMA can already cause adverse side effects that other factors can exacerbate. 

Mixing MDMA with Other Substances

Using MDMA with other substances also increases the likelihood of an ecstasy overdose. Many people who use MDMA may feel like they have a better experience when they mix it with other substances like alcohol and other drugs.

However, mixing MDMA with other substances does the opposite – it amplifies the harmful effects of either substance, making the experience more dangerous. 

For example, mixing MDMA with alcohol increases the risk of impaired judgement. People may engage in risky behaviours as a result of this impairment and accidentally overdose.

Additionally, mixing MDMA with other stimulants, such as cocaine, can overload the nervous system. The increased strain on the heart and other organs can intensify the body temperature and create unpredictable reactions. 

What Is Ecstasy or MDMA?

MDMA, or ecstasy, is a stimulant drug that increases serotonin levels in the brain. As a result, people have an elevated mood and feel more sociable when using ecstasy. Other street names of the drug include E, XTC, Biscuit, Clarity, and Peace. Many people take MDMA in social settings, such as nightclubs, raves, and parties. 

The drug is taken in available in different forms, such as tablets, pills, powders, or crystals. Ecstasy tablets and pills are typically colourful with logos, which can make the drug more enticing to take. On the other hand, powders or crystals are known as “Molly,” which is marketed as pure MDMA.

Despite this marketing, it’s important to remember that no amount of MDMA, no matter how pure, is safe for consumption. MDMA is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance in many countries. This means that it has a high potential for abuse. Even one dose of MDMA can have serious health consequences. 

What are the Side Effects of MDMA?

MDMA will have several short-term and long-term side effects that can affect a person’s health and well-being. 

Short-Term Side Effects

Shortly after taking ecstasy, people may experience the following side effects:

Increased energy

  • Feelings of happiness and euphoria
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Decreased appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Jaw clenching
  • Anxiety or agitation
  • Confusion

Long-Term Side Effects

Taking MDMA for a prolonged time will result in the following long-term side effects:

  • Cognitive impairment
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Mood disorders like depression and anxiety
  • Heart and liver damage
  • Tolerance and dependency 

Treatment for MDMA or Ecstasy Addiction

Here are some treatment options for people who are addicted to MDMA or ecstasy: 

  • Detox: Detox is the first step of treatment, as it’s the process of eliminating MDMA or ecstasy from the body. This step is important, especially for those who experience withdrawal symptoms. 
  • Rehab: Rehab is when people receive structured treatment and therapies to understand the root of their addiction. It can be inpatient or outpatient. 
  • Evidence-based therapies: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Family Therapy, and Group Therapy are just some of the evidence-based therapies used to help address drug addiction. 
  • Holistic treatment: Holistic therapies, such as yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, are often integrated into addiction treatment for a more well-rounded recovery. 

Addiction Treatment at Orchid

People who take MDMA for a long time in high doses are at a high risk of dependency or addiction. They may experience withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit the drug. In this case, professional treatment is needed. 

Here at Orchid, we offer professional treatment for clients who are struggling with MDMA use and other substance use disorders. Our team is ready to help people get back on their feet and become sober. 

To know more about our addiction treatment options, call us today.